We are the pioneer acoustic engineering company in the Balearic Islands.
Our extensive experience in permanent evolution of innovation, proven guarantee through the loyalty of our customers.
Acústica Industrial de Tecnologies Mediambientals SL, or simply called as a brand Acústica Industrial, was created in 1998 as a result of the work of years of research and free exercise of engineering in the field of acoustics by its founder, Bartomeu Rosselló i Boeres, since then CEO&Founder.

Bartomeu Rosselló i Boeres
Coautor of the book: “DERECHO AL SILENCIO (Herramientas jurídico-técnicas contra el ruido)“
Right to Silence: Silence and acoustic comfort are some of our most precious assets, fundamental for our health and development. However, we need to intercommunicate and we do so essentially through sound. Its nature, form and incidence are decisive for communication. In this sense, we incorporate all our subjective assessment part in this process of communication and social interrelation. As a society we have granted ourselves regulations and regulations to guarantee the correct cohabitation of uses and a harmonious coexistence. Its objective has been to establish evaluation procedures that guarantee objectivity: the results must be quantifiable and the systems and processes common.
Citizens have every right to rest, to a healthy sound environment. As well as activities and infrastructures have every right to operate as long as they respect the normatively established sound immission values. This is the maxim that must govern our relationships for coexistence. To achieve these objectives, it is essential that we all apply evaluation and management tools in a precise, identical way and without interpretations that distort it, since, otherwise, society as a whole may lose.
Who are we?
24 years (1998 – 2022) of uninterrupted travel, marked by perseverance, perseverance of work in continuous innovation. Intense, rigorous work with achievement and certification of objectives, is what has allowed us day by day to gain credibility and solvency, granted by the loyalty of our customers.
It has highly qualified, solvent and extensive experience professionals. A great human team, which represents one of the main assets of the company. All this added to the synergy of action of external technological collaborators of the first line.
Pioneering acoustic engineering in the Balearic Islands, with national and international action. A great experience was being able to participate in the entire process of gestation, drafting and deployment, at the state, regional and municipal level, of the regulatory process in terms of management, control and regulation of noise, which gives us a wide and transversal optics. A great competitive advantage.
Our mission is to respond to market demands and societal demands, materializing projects with a careful conceptual prescriptive design, correct execution and guaranteed and certified response.
Action in the different fields of acoustics (architectural and enclosures, insulation of aerial or vibratory noise, conditioning, etc.) applied and various sectors of implementation (construction, leisure, industrial, environmental, nautical, etc.). From the most basic to the most unique. Always with the contribution of the differentiating added value that characterizes and forms a project of high qualitative performance with complete regulatory adaptation.
We know and are sufficiently aware that in our field, each problem of sound affection, vibration or adaptation of acoustic conditioning has characteristic and particular features, which forces us to evaluate, diagnose and treat in a personalized and exclusive way in each case. This effort and particular attention is the key to the resolution of any condition.
Therefore, in more than two decades of continuous, constant, persevering activity and constant innovation, what has ended up defining our work and journey has been the scrupulous rigor of action, the total achievement of the objectives outlined with the guarantee of accredited certification together with the honesty of action endorsed by the trust and deluity of our clients.
With the philosophy and policy of continuous improvement, driven by the desire to always be at the forefront of offering the maximum guarantees of our work, with the intention of disassociating from Acústica Industrial the inspection activity of sonometric evaluation with standardized tests, through an independent quality system, accredited and recognition of maximum technical competence, on April 23, 2004 the inspection entity and test laboratory AVALUA was created .
This Entity complies with and guarantees, through continuous audits, the requirements of independence and impartiality with respect to the parent company. We also understand that there is no other possible way, with professional rigor, to operate. All evaluation must be repeatable and reproducible, consequently easily verifiable. In acoustic matters, simple organoleptic perception allows any layman in the matter to detect whether or not he perceives sound immission (regardless of its quantification to normative values). Inevitably, it is implicit to carry out any work with extreme objective rigor, impartiality and independence.
AVALUA aims to carry out all kinds of sonometric and vibration evaluations, through standardized methods and tests, established by law, in the exercise of inspection activity. With a recognition and accreditation that is granted and protected by ENAC (Entidad Nacional de Acreditación), being one of the few existing with the maximum accreditation at the state level and the first in the island field.
AVALUA has implemented a Quality System according to the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17020: 2004 “General criteria for the operation of different types of inspection bodies”, as well as UNE -EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”.
This internal Quality System is periodically audited and evaluated by the supreme body of recognition of competence, the National Accreditation Entity (ENAC) which granted AVALUA the accreditation seal of inspection no. 149/EI 237, in force in April 2011, which became Test Laboratory No. 887/ LE1774, having unified ENAC the accreditation scheme for entities and laboratories.
This accreditation means:
- International recognition of the technical competence of AVALUA by an independent and competent body.
- It offers the guarantee that the laboratory has been evaluated and accredited through a demanding independent quality control.
- It constitutes a differentiating fact in the market, guarantee of integrity and competition.
- It constitutes a differentiating feature in the market, a guarantee of integrity and competition.
For more information www.avalua.eu and www.enac.es

The field of action covered by this company is constantly and rapidly evolving. This implies that in most of the cases that we have to address, they do not have a predetermined solution, nor standardized corrective measures of viable application. Therefore, we are obliged at all times, to innovate with very specific systems, developing new applications that serve to satisfy the existing demand in the market. That is why we are proud to be able to affirm that we have as many solutions as actions we have done, since pursuing excellence in our operation, we approach each case individually, providing specific corrective measures for each of the required jobs. Acústica Industrial has a highly qualified engineering department with extensive experience, capable of addressing the new challenges that arise every day, obtaining optimal results in any case. In order to be able to face these new challenges with a total guarantee of success, this department has the latest advances both in the field of measurement instruments, as well as computer software for the treatment, processing and calculation of data, existing on the market and those developed ad-hoc with our technological collaborators, such as the continuous monitoring system. for the management, self-control and surveillance of noise, through the AVALUA- SiMSo platform.
Continuous teaching, since 1999, taught in the Master’s Degree in Quality and Business Management of the Environment of the Chair Sa Nostra – UNESCO. University of the Balearic Islands.
Specific training courses in acoustics for teachers of Vocational Training for the Department of Education and Culture of the Government of the Balearic Islands.
November 2021 theoretical-practical training of the Sonometric Inspection Corps of the Local Police of Marratxí.
Specialized courses and technical conferences in Professional Colleges. Continuous training at the Official College of Industrial Engineers of the Balearic Islands, the College of Industrial Technical Engineers of the Balearic Islands, and the Official College of Surveyors and Technical Architects of Menorca.
In the 2012 academic year, the first promotion, we will provide specific training in the field of analysis and evaluation of noise pollution within the training framework of the module of University Expert in Climate Change, Air Pollution and Noise included in the Master in Environmental Management and Engineering. Postgraduate degree from the UIB.
Conference presentations: III Congrés d’Enginyeria i Cultura Catalana (Palma, 4,5 and 6 December 2008)
Participation of Acústica Industrial / AVALUA in the Acusti.cat Congress of Acoustics of Catalonia, held on April 25 and 26, 2018, as speakers and directors of the work team in the pilot project: Sa Gerreria, respect to coexist. Transformation of acoustic habits.
Pilot project by Palma City Council’s Ombudsman for the qualitative improvement of acoustic conditions with the aim of guaranteeing proper coexistence and cohabitation of uses in the historic district of Sa Gerreria, through careful diagnosis and continuous monitoring, facilitating the democratisation of information and allowing the necessary mechanisms to be established for the transformation and social integration of good acoustic habits.
Active participation in Research, Innovation and Development projects, such as the ENDESA RED-UIB Chair for the design of predictive maintenance models through vibration analysis in electrical power transformers. Or in our own field of our engineering, developing innovative measurement systems for solving cases of high complexity.
We consider pedagogical dissemination to be of great necessity, which is why we regularly participate in technical-scientific television programmes (TV Mallorca, IB3, TVE, 8TV). I am a regular radio pundit (Cadena SER – Mallorca, ONA Mallorca) addressing aspects of environmental issues, as well as regular participation in the publication of specialized articles in the written press (Diari de Balears) and specialized Internet forums.
The industrial, commercial and leisure activities constitute one of the main sound sources that generate acoustic immissions. But these activities, especially in the leisure industry, require a perfect acoustic adaptation. A good acoustic treatment and good sound that emphasizes its defining attributes. Its operation and the machinery used for these activities, generate the main discomfort due to noise and vibrations. In many cases, it is not possible to actively regulate sound sources, having to resort to passive corrective measures to obtain efficient results, in compliance with the legally required requirements. The range of machinery existing in the world of industry is very wide. Therefore, each one of them will require a particular treatment, since several factors intervene (functional conditions of the machinery, location, etc.) that hinder the standardization of a solution. For this reason, Acústica Industrial develops projects that not only meet acoustic criteria, but also analyze the functional, operational and maintenance conditions of the facilities, guaranteeing at all times an optimal performance of the machinery and use.
Conceptualization and creation of the sound attributes of spaces. Sound branding.
On the other hand, we know that the success of an acoustic treatment does not lie simply in the design of corrective measures, but that the execution process is as important as that of the design. For this we have an executive work team made up of specialized personnel who act together with a permanent facultative supervision and quality control, to verify that the implementation of corrective measures and final finishes have been carried out effectively and efficiently in obtaining the optimal conditions of comfort and operability. Each space, enclosure or activity requires its personalization to differentiate itself in its use and in the market. That is why, apart from the necessary insulation and acoustic conditioning, an adequate sound system is necessary for each functionality so that the defining message or sound attribute provides the user with a rewarding experience. These are the basic tools to generate a communicative interaction that emotionally links the user. We have the context, we have the tools and facilities that will allow us to convey the message, now we have to consider the attributes and contents that define the activity in a totally recognizable and representative way. We develop the entire communicative circle, until we reach the last service that is the creation of the acoustic signature of the space. Its defining sound characteristic, its Sound Branding, which is a fundamental pillar in the integral construction of the brand image, with the contribution of specific music production content to provide the ability to identify and remember brands through specific sounds, styles, differentiating attributes. The space, its facilities and its message of communicative interaction to generate the unique, special experience that allows it to be remembered satisfactorily.
Our best letter of introduction, our customers. We review some of them conditioned by the limited space available. Taking into account also those who do not appear, with all our consideration and esteem.